It has been a few months since the last updates on Barnstormers which only means one thing that Knobsta and me have been very busy. Work and family are of course important but behind the scenes we are doing motorcycling things. Knobsta broke a pedal on his tricycle so opted to buy a new sparkly Triumph to replace it. Jnr McS and yours truly have been busy visiting swap meets and even though the weather hasn’t been that great for the majority (the Pukekohe Swap Meet was later referred to as the Great Pukekohe Swamp Meet) we have actually managed to add to the parts shelves in the workshop (a 1913 motorcycle manual for $5.00 from Pukekohe, a rear sprocket for $5.00 from Rotorua for Project Enfield, and some car stuff for junior). We have acquired more manuals to put up on the site to assist owners with their machines but as they take 6~8hours to scan and format (per manual) they will be a while in coming. And I also swept the workshop floor (but not very well its actually Mrs McSweepy’s job). However things that are coming up that may be of interest are –
Webbs Motorcycle, Car and Collectables Auction This is tonight (19th October) at Shed 5, Top Deck, 90 Wellesly St, Auckland, from 6.30pm. There are a total of 55 motorcycles with 8 pre 1920, 4 pre 1930, 7 pre 1945, one project 1914 AJS in parts, and 35 post 1945 machines. Collectables include tin toys, oil signs, and a 1913 Brooklands Race Meeting Silver Cup (very nice it is too). Ideally something for everyone. My picks would be the 1905 Minerva, the Dirt Racing Doulgas, and the 1937 OK Supreme. Click here to see the rest of the catalogue.

Something to get you keen.
Classic Racing at Hampton Downs Labour Weekend 22nd ~ 23rd October 2011 (this weekend). All classes catered for including Post Classic (1970s Japanese) and Pre War and Vintage. Saturday is scrutineering and then racing, with the last race being the title for the Junior TT (up to 350cc pre 1963). Sunday has the Senior TT (up to 500cc Pre 63). The Reigister will also be running the Track Parade Event for non competitive machines and riders (see July News for more info), should be good to see what shows up. Camping is available on the circuit Saturday night only, and there is a gate entry fee of $15.00 per person per day, with children under 12 free.
Burt Munro Motorcycle Show The Southland Branch of the Vintage Car Club are hosting the Burt Munro Motorcycle Show over the weekend 25~26th November 2011 at the Otatara Community Hall. There will be approx 80 vintage motorcycles and a display of 3 wheeled vehicles. The clubrooms in Ariki Ave, Otatara will be open from 4.30pm on both days for some good old Southland hospitality. Further info contact Russell McIvor 03-217 8481 or 0274 354 315.
Art Deco Rally 2012 Run by the Hawkes Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club this event is getting more popular every year. Supported well by the car fraternity it has yet to catch on by motorcyclists even though they are welcome. Limited to pre 1945 vehicles it is a chance to get together for an easy weekend and a chance to play dress up with period costumes (and not be laughed at by your neighbours). Held on 17~19th February 2012. For further information contact HB Branch VCC (Inc), P.O. Box 3406, Napier 4142. Or Ph 06-843 9396 or
Vintage Motorcycle Club Christmas is approaching very quickly and for those of you who suffer from the question of What can I get you as a present from the House Boss could point your spouse towards the UK Vintage Motorcycle Clubs VMCC Shop website. There are books, badges, DVDs, clothing, really something for everyone. Click here to have a look. Now would be the time to start ordering as postage delivery times will begin to slow down as that times draws near.
Karaka Vintage Day 2012 The date is 1st April 2012 and as in the past will be held at the Karaka Sports Complex. It is held every 2 years and well supported with all things that are old and mechanical (stationary engines, agricultural machinery, military vehicles, vintage and classic cars, and of course motorcycles). Barnstormers will be there with a display of pre 1945 motorcycles so if you would like to be part of this well organised event and share our tent please contact us through our contact page. We welcome all happy faces. We will keep you posted.
VCC National Motorycle Rally 2013 Every 2 years a branch of the New Zealand will hold a National Motorcycle Rally for club acceptable machines. The next one is to be held in Northland over the weekend of 15~17th February 2013 with an After Rally Tour from 18~22nd February. This is an advance for VCC motorcyclists who are thinking about attending (as it is just up the road from Knobsta’s he may even go). For further info contact Graeme Dawson 09-434 7215 or email or Peter West-Hill 09-438 1392 or email or Lawrence Hillier 09-434 6457 or email Who knows we may both be there!
Kumeu Swap Meet 2012 A good days outing if your are interested in old cars, hotrods, things mechanical, and a chance to buy some parts. Next years date is set for 21~22nd January (2012) and if noyhing else they serve a great mussel fritter.